Monday, 12 December 2016

Writing as a Form of Personal Therapy | Renee Writes

Originally posted on Renee Writes:

writing-1317009-640x480I think I've mentioned before that I have always loved making up and telling stories. It wasn't until my mid-twenties that it even occurred to me that I should write them down (which is odd since I read tons of books). I believe it's because I didn't do well in English class that I believed I'd be a terrible writer as a result (so not true).
Side Note: In my experience, just because you don't do well in English, doesn't necessarily mean it's your fault. When I went to college, I had the highest grade in the class. Having a teacher that is passionate about what he's teaching and can explain things so they're easy to understand makes a huge difference.
When I started writing, I was amazed at how much it helped with my anxiety issues. The more I wrote, the calmer I felt. Eventually I realized a lot of it had to do with my overactive imagination. Getting stuff out of my head and onto paper quieted my mind.
Here's the thing, though. Not everything in my head had to do with story ideas. My overactive imagination causes me to create problems where there aren't any. Or if there is a problem, I tend to start dwelling on the worst possible outcomes. The more time I have to spend thinking, the worse it gets. So, what I do is, I put my characters in those positions (or similar ones) and see how they deal with them. Oddly, in most cases, I end up realizing that it's not as bad as I believed it was or that there wasn't a problem in the first place.
If I go too long without writing, the anxiety builds. I haven't had time to write much lately because I'm still unpacking from our move and trying to keep the house clean on top of that, not to mention all the other stuff I have to do. So, I’ve been a little on edge and having trouble getting to sleep.
Today, I'm getting back into my regular writing schedule, so I'm hoping it will help. I'm going to be working on Shadow Stalker Part 4. So, we'll see how I feel tomorrow. Hopefully, much better! :-D
Do you write for therapeutic purposes, or do you find writing helps you? Tell me about your experiences!

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