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Welcome to this week's Friday Author Spotlight! Today I have Juli D. Revezzo visiting with her novel, Lady of the Tarot.
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About the Book
Having escaped the Reign of Terror, Emilie Maigny takes refuge in England and tries to come to grips with the life and loss she left behind. When her brother, Sinjon, returns, a terrifying evil swoops down upon her. Nightmares plague her, providing strange clues ... but to what?
Scottish-born Linton has spent his entire life in luxury, whiling away the hours in intense study of the tarot. He knows the hidden meanings of the cards, but until he meets the lovely Emilie Maigny, he never guessed how important his study might be— to his life, and Emilie’s survival when terrible evil strikes.
A Cypher is all Emilie needs, but what is it? Is Linton the key? He may charm her heart—and he may be her only salvation.
Get it today on Amazon!
Keep reading for an interview with Emilie Maigny from Lady of the Tarot:
Where were you born, and what was it like growing up there?
Paris. And it was lovely! The city was beautiful, filled with intellectuals, poets, artists and thinkers of the age. I enjoyed visiting with my friends at their lovely homes and of course, all the parties we used to attend...before the revolution.
Do you have a close relationship with your family?
I used to. My brothers had their secrets, but I must admit they've grown more guarded since everything began falling apart in our country.
Who was your best friend growing up?
Other than my brothers Sinjon and Porter, I'd have to say my cousin Ursule.
Who is your enemy? What makes you enemies?
I never thought of myself as having enemies before, but since I came to live with my grandmother in Britain, I must say, Miss Roxanne Ivanhoe would definitely be one. What makes us enemies? I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about the young lady makes my skin crawl.
Who do you most admire in your world? Why?
At the moment, I would say ma grand-mère. She's been through a lot in her life, even before losing her son to the revolution, and still survived.
Tell us a little about your world, and where you fit in?
What can I say about our modern world? Men still run everything and even with Madam Wolstencraft's book speaking of women's rights, young women have only a few options open to them as far as what their ultimate place in the world is. It looks like I might marry an upstanding naval captain (if he proposes), but I must say, I'm not enthused about it. If I could make up my own mind on the subject, I might choose someone else. I might even forego marriage and move to the New World. Or somewhere else in Europe.
What was the most embarrassing moment in your life?
It must've been when my fiancé Éduard broke our engagement. Yes, that would have to be it.
What is your greatest fear? How will you overcome it?
My greatest fear is losing what's left of my family, my brother Sinjon, ma grand-mère. How will I overcome? I'll fight, but in the end, who can fight fate, no?
What is the most important lesson you've learned about life?
Don't trust the mob or anyone who your intuition says you shouldn't!
What is the strangest situation you've ever found yourself in?
Having to flee from revolutionaries in the middle of the night. Also, as of late, I have had very strange dreams, almost premonitions, you might say.
Who has been the greatest influence in your life? Why?
Linton. He's helped me so much lately, adjusting to life in England and making sense of the weird things I've been experiencing.
Do you have a secret you've never told anyone? Would you tell us?
The dreams I've had, apparently, according to my new friend Linton, they have something to do with tarot. I haven't had much practice at it, because you understand, we usually have ma grand-mère standing over us, but I'm learning more about reading the cards--as much as I can. I know that revelation would infuriate my brother Sinjon, so I haven't told him.
Have you ever been in love? How did that work out for you?
I think I am now, with Linton. How did it work out? Well, we're still fighting for time together, so we shall see, won't we?
What do you own that would be hardest to part with? Why?
My blue chalcedony necklace. I couldn't part with it because it's the last gift I received from my father before he disappeared.
Where can people find out more about you, and your author—and your novel, Lady of the Tarot?
They are most welcome to visit our (I should say Madame Juli D. Revezzo’s) website at: http://www.julidrevezzo.com
Our, (pardon, I mean Juli’s ) novel Lady of the Tarot is available at…some store named Amazon.
(That store's name sounds exotic, doesn’t it?)
Finally, thank you Mademoiselle Renee, for hosting Juli and I today. We hope your readers will enjoy Lady of the Tarot!
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