Friday, 29 September 2017

Author Spotlight: Simple Tricks and Nonsense by Sameer Ketkar | Renee Scattergood

Originally posted by Renee Scattergood:

Welcome to another Friday Author Spotlight! Today I have Sameer Ketkar visiting with his new sci-fi comedy, Simple Tricks and Nonsense. We’ve also had Adolf H. Canon, a character from the book, visit to answer some questions about his life and his world. Before we get to that, though, let’s learn more about Sameer.
Sameer Ketkar received a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in screenwriting from the University of Southern California. He has written one feature film, “Backwaters,” and has published six novels.
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About the Book

“Simple Tricks and Nonsense” is a scathing religious satire set in a scifi space opera universe. It’s told from the point of view of God or Dog, and tells the story of his son, the messiah Adolf H. Canon. Adolf’s story encompasses the religious takeover of the domed planet Naladaya, followed by a crusade to conquer the entire galaxy.

Get it today on Amazon!

Keep reading for an interview with Adolf H. Canon from Simple Tricks and Nonsense:

Where were you born, and what was it like growing up there?
I never found out where I was born. When I was a very small baby my parents put me into an escape pod and jettisoned me out into space. Their space ship was about to explode so they wanted to save me. I was found by a farmer from the planet Naladaya, and raised as his son.
What is the happiest memory from your childhood?
My happiest memory is from when I was five years old. I was laughing and running with my mother inside Dome 16 of Naladaya. She used to sing me a song about the intergalactic harpies, a song that really made me laugh.
If you could compare yourself to someone from another novel, who would it be?
The character I’m most similar to is Adam Young from “Good Omens,” though he was the son of the anti-Christ while I’m the son of God or Dog. Pretty big difference, but the way that we were raised was pretty similar. We both grew up thinking we were normal, not realizing the great role we had to play in the future of our worlds.
Who do you most admire in your world?
I most admire my true father, God or Dog, though I have had my ups and downs with him. He created the universe, but never found much time to run it. While at first I found that to be a bad thing, in retrospect I admire it. I have gone out amongst the mortals many times in my long life, and every time I have done so — to try and teach them the Word of God or Dog — I have made matters worse. So I think my father, God or Dog, knew this from the start, and decided to stay out of mortal affairs for their own good.
What was the most embarrassing moment in your life?
My most embarrassing moment was when I died — which happened more than once. After dying, my first realization was always that I had failed the mortals. I had failed to teach them how to live in peace, and had instead pushed them towards more war and destruction.
What is your greatest fear?
My greatest fear is that people will misconstrue my words of peace and use them to launch wars.
What is the strangest situation you’ve ever found yourself in?
One of my followers began selling “tickets to heaven” as a way to finance spaceships and weapons. I was rather appalled and had no idea how to react, so I remained silent. Why would my followers do this, especially when they knew how much I abhorred war?
What is the greatest obstacle you have ever had to face?
My own pride, and that of my followers.
Do you have any hobbies?
I like to pray, using the DISCO method: raising my arm up and down for the glory of the lord.
Do you have a secret you’ve never told anyone?
I’ve never been comfortable having a penis.
What kind of clothing do you prefer to wear?
I wear a spacesuit at all times, because air is precious and we should not presume that we will always have a dome over our heads — or a spaceship surrounding us — to protect us. We must carry our own air, and be self-sufficient. Also, it’s hard to see a man or woman as alluring while they wear a spacesuit. This means that there will be far less sexual assault.
What is your favorite food?
Lentils and rice, cooked in Naladayan fashion (using bean curds and imitation lemons).
What was the most exciting adventure you’ve ever been on?
Meeting Lord Auguste to negotiate for peace in the galaxy.
What do you regret most in your life?
That my words are always misconstrued.
What is your greatest virtue?
I am pious and I know what I want.
If you had one day left to live, what would you do with your last day?
I would negotiate for peace in the galaxy.

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