Saturday, 25 November 2017

Fantasy Art Friday | Allison D. Reid

Originally posted by Allison D. Reid:

Get inspired with this week’s Fantasy Art Friday, where fun fantasy artwork is combined with a writing prompt to get your creative juices flowing.

These cold, still waters are known to be among the most treacherous in the world. Many ships have foolishly sailed them, only to mysteriously vanish beneath the dark, glassy surface. Only those who dare the voyage finally learn the truth...too late. Who would ever believe  that the surrounding snow covered peaks are not made of earth and stone, but dragon? The heart of these mountains are not filled with gold and silver, but blood and fire. Will this ship manage to flee in time? Does it have any defense against the monster rising above it, or are we about to witness its complete destruction?
Unknown title and artist

Want to see more Fantasy Art posts? Find them here.

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