Wednesday, 13 December 2017

#ISWG: A Look Back! | Renee Scattergood

Originally posted by Renee Scattergood:

For those who don’t know, the Insecure Writers Support Group is open to all writers to share their fears, doubts, and concerns, as well as your triumphs. So if you have something to share, visit the link at the end of this post!

First, I have to say that I didn’t finish NaNoWriMo this year. I was really sick for nearly two weeks and couldn’t get any writing done, but I did write over 32k words, so that’s pretty awesome, I think. It’s more writing than I’ve done in months. I’m not sure how much more writing I’ll get done in December since Christmas is coming up and my daughter will be out of school after this week, but I intend to keep my 2500 word daily goal. This way I’ll be guaranteed to write at least that much on the days I do have time to write.

Also, on a random note, I’m soooooooooooooo excited to see the new Star Wars movie this month! The wait has been driving me nuts! There are just certain questions I need answered… of course, I know this one will likely leave me with more questions, which will result in another agonizing 2-year wait, but for a moment, my curiosity will be satisfied.
Now for this month’s question:
As you look back on 2017, with all its successes/failures, if you could backtrack, what would you do differently?
I honestly can’t think of anything I’d do differently. The one thing I would like to change was really out of my control anyway. Finding BeemGee and discovering a new way to plan my stories that fits with my style of writing was amazing. I wish I’d had that at the start of the year, but BeemGee is fairly new.
At least I’ll have a good writing start to the new year! I can’t wait! What are you excited about in the new year?

Co-hosts for this month are Julie Flanders,Shannon Lawrence, Fundy Blue, and Heather Gardner!

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