Monday 22 January 2018

Spawn of Enoch | Joshua Robertson

Originally posted by Joshua Robertson:

Elisha ogled at the fruit, so lost in wonder that she didn’t think to comment on its size. Her fingers traced through the air as though they were drifting along a riverbed without a current. The incessant singing of three hundred angels sounded in the Garden of Eden but she could not hear the song. She was completely mesmerized. Pausing with hesitation, she found the strength to hold back from grasping the fruit. Yet she could not pull her eyes away.

“Careful, Elisha.” Her father, Enoch, warned pulling her from the trance. “The fruit is not meant to be fondled. It caused Eve and Adam great misery. Their poor choices led all mankind, including myself, to walk the surface of the world before our Lord God returned me to Eden.”

“Why did you bring me here…to this tree…if I cannot touch it?”

“You are of age, my angel, and have to be tested like every other within this place. You have to learn restraint. You must learn to ignore your human impulses if you are to remain in Eden.”

“And, what about mother?”
“True, your mother was not tainted like mankind, but she was cursed all the same. She could not remain here. Lilith was not human, you see?”

“What was she?”

Enoch started to speak and stopped himself. It was not the first time that his young half-blood
daughter had asked him the question. He still did not have an answer. Angel? Demon? He could not be sure. Regardless, Elisha was a half-blood like so many before her. The girl was part human and part something else.

“I cannot believe you laid with her after she had already been with Adam. It seems such an act would have caused you to be cast from this place.” Her words were icy, nearly shrill. What was worse was she did not even turn from the forbidden fruit.

“Lilith received the punishment she was due, Elisha. Our Lord God willed it. I could have never known what she did before I came to Eden.”

A moment passed. In was an insufferable moment with Elisha captivated by the fruit and Enoch by his daughter.

Finally, Enoch rubbed his fingers together. “Fight the impulse, Elisha. Turn away from it.”

Elisha shuddered and licked her lips. She clearly did not want to follow the directive of her father. Slowly, she turned to look at Enoch, lowering her hand. “I know so little of my mother. Tell me of your human wife. What was she like?”

Enoch did not appear to pick up on the lofty tone of his daughter. “Edna was a fine woman in the way most human women are, but she was not strong enough to stand against the giants. She wasn’t strong enough to follow me to Eden. Her death was just.”

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