Thursday, 28 February 2019

Drop Dead Gorgeous: A #SciFi #Horror Novel by Donald Allen Kirch

Drop Dead Gorgeous

by Donald Allen Kirch

Genre: Horror

1# Wished for High Tech Science Fiction Novel in Japan!
The Sensational #1 All-Star Bestselling Kindle Novel!

"Would you like to hear a story?"

The man couldn't help himself.
His captor was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her
powerful eyes held his attention and made him forget that she had him
confined in a basement; his hands and feet bound with duct tape. His
heart raced as he meekly nodded his head 'yes' to the question.

After getting past the terror and discomfort, he
reasoned that there was nothing to worry about. He would be missed.
He had loved ones who would call the police. All he had to do was
wait. Letting this woman tell him a story was as good a stall as any.

The mysterious woman weaved a tale of betrayed love and
unwanted, unnatural experiments placed upon her. Of a loving wife,
working on a top secret government program. Of a husband searching
for love in all the wrong places. The prisoner couldn't believe what
he was being told. A descent into insanity, fueled by a jealous rage,
ended with using the tools of science for torture and revenge.

With every blink of her lovely eyes, licking of her full lips, and heaving
of her perfect breasts, the captor entertained a story most bizarre.
Of a woman bent on teaching her cheating husband a lesson.

The prisoner wondered...."Am I next?"

Goodreads * Amazon

DONALD ALLEN KIRCH lives in The United States of America. He is an avid
reader of history, Sherlock Holmes Mysteries, the paranormal, and is
a "hardcore" Doctor Who fan. After spending two weekends in
the famous "Sallie House," a "haunted house" in
Atchison, Kansas, he is one of the only authors of his craft who can
claim to have been attacked by a ghost!

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